quarta-feira, maio 12


É preciso acabar com esta guerra. O horror não vai terminar e temo que tudo se venha a tornar ainda mais alucinante. Ao contrário dos presos de Abu Ghreb, a última vítima dos horrores da guerra tem um nome, chama-se Nick Berg. E sim, meu querido amigo João Nuno, as imagens são chocantes, tão chocantes como as outras. Trata-se mais uma vez da barbárie, da mais vil e cruel parte da natureza humana, algo que me choca profundamente, mas que ao mesmo tempo me faz, mais uma vez, ver como no fundo somos tão iguais, capazes dos mesmos horrores, tal como, acredito, dos mesmos gestos de perdão e de amor. Mas sobre tudo isto deixo aqui as palavras que encontrei no blogue do Andrew Sullivan. Resume muito do que é o nosso mundo, muito do que é preciso acreditar neste tempo tão desesperante.

EMAIL OF THE DAY: "My name is Ahmad Hamza and I am an Arab American, I have been a police officer in the state of Texas for 10 years and I have seen it all. Like you and many others what happened to Nick Berg really upset me and hit me double hard because Nick is an American and his perpetrators were sadly enough Arabs. Like you said in your article, those radicals that do things in the name of Islam are no better than the KKK that claim to be true Christians. One day I would like everyone to know that true Muslims are kind and good hearted like True Christians, and people like the KKK, Al Qaeda, and other militant groups only make it worse for everyone else. Thank you for defending Islam and Muslims the way you did because I knew deep down in my heart that there were people in the US that were fair, after all we are all human and America was created by people who sought freedom of religion. I am deeply sorry for the malicious murder of Nick Berg and I hope to God that they catch those responsible. I also extend my deepest sympathies to the Berg family and tell them that my prayers are with them."

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